Personal data is processed by us for entering into and executing agreements for our services and resulting relationships. To process the data entered through forms, we use HubSpot, the marketing automation tool for our customer base. Data requested through forms on our website are required for the above reasons. If the personal data is not provided, we cannot contact you or, in the case of a newsletter subscription, inform you about our services and activities.

If you fill out a contact/quote, application or newsletter subscription form on the website, or send us an e-mail, the data you send us will be kept as long as is necessary according to the nature of the form or the content of your e-mail for it to be fully answered and processed. We use the following retention periods for this purpose:

DataRetention period
Contact formMax. 4 years
Quote formMax. 4 years
Newsletter subscriptionUntil unsubscription newsletter
Other formsMax. 4 years
Customer dataMax. 7 years (due to tax retention requirements)

Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics cookies to track website usage, these are sent to Google via an encrypted connection. We do not share usage or benchmark data with Google. Also, Google Analytics cookies are not used for other Google services. The information obtained is transferred to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Please read Google’ s privacy policy for more information, as well as Google Analytics‘ specific privacy policy. We do not store IP addresses, nor are they ever shared in their entirety with Google.

We offer a newsletter through which we want to inform interested parties on a regular basis about news on WordPress, our services and related issues. Your email address will only be added to the list of subscribers with your explicit permission. Every newsletter contains a link that allows you to unsubscribe. Until then, the data will be retained. The newsletter subscriber file will not be provided to third parties.

With the tool Hotjar we can see where we visitors click on the website and to what extent visitors scroll down pages. This data is completely anonymized and thus cannot be traced back to individuals.

Leadinfo allows us to see which companies are visiting our website. This gives us more insight into the audiences and industries that visit our website and helps us with lead generation.

Processor Agreement
We have signed a processing agreement with all companies that process our data. This states, among other things, what the personal data may be processed for (for what purpose), what security measures must be taken, where the personal data is stored, and that it must be handled confidentially.

Use of Cookies

A cookie is a small file sent from the server to your web browser with the intention of saving it and sending it back to the server on your next visit. These cookies are used by us to track visitor behavior in order to improve the website for you… We cannot see by whom the website is visited.

In your web browser you can set which cookies are collected and which cookies may not be collected (please refer to your web browser manual). However, there is a chance that this website may not fully function.

This website uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are set by third-party services displayed on our pages. The cookies from Google Analytics and Hotjar are anonymized. We do not use cookies to personalize content and advertisements (profiling) nor for sharing content on social media.